
Wochenbericht 2022.46

  1. Automatisierte Scans: Microsoft sperrt Kunden unangekündigt für immer aus
  2. Announcing Nuxt 3.0
  3. Ryan Dahl talks about Deno and JavaScript in general
  4. Mozilla to begin signing Mv3 extensions for Firefox
  5. Interactive CSS Flex Tutorial / Flexible Box

Wochenbericht 2021.15

  1. How to design almost any UI element (list of ~58 articles of how to properly build elements in terms of UI and UX)
  2. Why some developers are avoiding app store headaches by going web-only
  3. Startschuss für Rust-Entwicklung im Linux-Kernel
  4. Building A Powerful ASCII Game Engine For The Browser
  5. Headless UI 1.0 released, with all new docs
  6. deno 1.9 is released – with unstable fast http

Was zum Lachen: The secret of a successful code review


Wochenbericht 2020.50

  1. Github dark mode is here
  2. Deno 1.6 supports compiling TypeScript to a single executable
  3. Vue Router 4 is officially stable!
  4. The CentOS Project Just Committed Suicide
  5. From Callback Hell to Callback Heaven
  6. Native Aspect Ratio Boxes in CSS thanks to aspect-ratio
  7. Monolith vs. Micro Frontend

Was zum Lachen: Circle of AI Life


Wochenbericht 2020.29

  1. Causa Facebook vs. Schrems: EuGH erklärt Privacy Shield für ungültig – Golem.de
  2. Vue v3.0.0-beta.23 Released (Bugfixes, Feature, & Perf Improvements)
  3. Aus fürs Privacy Shield: Der internationale Datenverkehr kommt ins Trudeln
  4. I made a site with 550+ Free open source fully customizable SVG icons.
  5. Best Deno Tutorials on YouTube – Tech Jasmine

Was zum Lachen: What the hell is this?


Wochenbericht 2020.27

  1. Reno 1.0.0 released! A lightweight router for Deno’s standard HTTP server
  2. PSA: CORS allow origin * considered harmful in development. – Simple Thread
  3. Mozilla bringt ein Notfall-Update für Firefox – Version 78.0.1
  4. Vue 3 Beta 18 Released, Targeting July RC
  5. Adding Insight support for the new FrameworkBundle recipe

Was zum Lachen: Seems legit