Schlagwort: Microsoft
Wochenbericht 2022.01
Der erste Wochenbericht des Jahres! Willkommen in 2022
- Google fined 150M€, Facebook 60M€ for asymmetric cookie dialogs
- Vanta.js – Animated website backgrounds in a few lines of code
- We Have A Browser Monopoly Again and Firefox is The Only Alternative Out There
- In 2022, YYMMDDhhmm formatted times exceed signed int range, breaking Microsoft services
- Unix in the Browser Tab
- Container Queries
- Fachkräftemangel oder Boomer Vorstand? DHL zunehmens von IT Problemen geplagt.
- Create Glassmorphism Card With Tilt Effect On Hover | Vanilla Tilt.js | Speed Code
- Norton 360 Now Comes With a Cryptominer
- Quick start | Motion One
Wochenbericht 2021.44
Letzte Woche ist aufgrund dringlicher steuerlicher Angelegenheiten ausgefallen. Dieses Jahr wird das sicher besser (das behaupte ich jedes Jahr).
- Complexity is killing software developers
- Silicon Valley companies find remote work is easier to begin than end as they look to bring employees back to the office
- Hardening a sketchy containerized application one step at a time
- Unicorn icons – Animated Lottie icons for your next project. Free for personal, commercial use with attribution.
- Why Outdated jQuery Is Still the Dominant JavaScript Library
- Visual Studio Code October 2021
- Open Source statt Microsoft: Bund und Länder planen “souveränen Arbeitsplatz”
- Developer Tools secrets that shouldn’t be secrets
- Art of debugging with Chrome DevTools
Was zum Lachen: “I’ll meet you at the restaurant in 15 minutes”
Wochenbericht 2021.26
- We made a little web component for collecting binary (thumbs up/down) user feedback on a website.
- Microsoft Teams 2.0 will use half the memory, dropping Electron for Edge Webview2
- The Dev Behind One Of The World’s Best SNES Emulators Has Died
- Spend millions of dollars to train a couple people on Cobol….refuse to even attempt to upgrade to newer technologies…
- The Untold Story of SQLite
Was zum Lachen: 4 out of 5 developers
Wochenbericht 2021.07
- Microsoft says it found 1,000-plus developers’ fingerprints on the SolarWinds attack (Vielleicht ist das auch einfach nur Stackoverflow)
- Dev creeped out after he fired up Ubuntu VM on Azure, was immediately approached by Canonical sales rep
- What’s new in Javascript 21 – ES12 — With explanations
- Citibank just got a $500 million lesson in the importance of UI design
- The Cleanest Trick for Autogrowing Textareas (mostly CSS and one JS statement :OOOOOO)
Was zum Lachen: Adoption