
Wochenbericht 2022.46

  1. Automatisierte Scans: Microsoft sperrt Kunden unangekündigt für immer aus
  2. Announcing Nuxt 3.0
  3. Ryan Dahl talks about Deno and JavaScript in general
  4. Mozilla to begin signing Mv3 extensions for Firefox
  5. Interactive CSS Flex Tutorial / Flexible Box

Wochenbericht 2022.01

Der erste Wochenbericht des Jahres! Willkommen in 2022

  1. Google fined 150M€, Facebook 60M€ for asymmetric cookie dialogs
  2. Vanta.js – Animated website backgrounds in a few lines of code
  3. We Have A Browser Monopoly Again and Firefox is The Only Alternative Out There
  4. In 2022, YYMMDDhhmm formatted times exceed signed int range, breaking Microsoft services
  5. Unix in the Browser Tab
  6. Container Queries
  7. Fachkräftemangel oder Boomer Vorstand? DHL zunehmens von IT Problemen geplagt.
  8. Create Glassmorphism Card With Tilt Effect On Hover | Vanilla Tilt.js | Speed Code
  9. Norton 360 Now Comes With a Cryptominer
  10. Quick start | Motion One

Wochenbericht 2021.44

Letzte Woche ist aufgrund dringlicher steuerlicher Angelegenheiten ausgefallen. Dieses Jahr wird das sicher besser (das behaupte ich jedes Jahr).

  1. Complexity is killing software developers
  2. Silicon Valley companies find remote work is easier to begin than end as they look to bring employees back to the office
  3. Hardening a sketchy containerized application one step at a time
  4. Unicorn icons – Animated Lottie icons for your next project. Free for personal, commercial use with attribution.
  5. Why Outdated jQuery Is Still the Dominant JavaScript Library
  6. Visual Studio Code October 2021
  7. Open Source statt Microsoft: Bund und Länder planen “souveränen Arbeitsplatz”
  8. Developer Tools secrets that shouldn’t be secrets
  9. Art of debugging with Chrome DevTools

Was zum Lachen: “I’ll meet you at the restaurant in 15 minutes”


Wochenbericht 2021.26

  1. We made a little web component for collecting binary (thumbs up/down) user feedback on a website.
  2. Microsoft Teams 2.0 will use half the memory, dropping Electron for Edge Webview2
  3. The Dev Behind One Of The World’s Best SNES Emulators Has Died
  4. Spend millions of dollars to train a couple people on Cobol….refuse to even attempt to upgrade to newer technologies…
  5. The Untold Story of SQLite

Was zum Lachen: 4 out of 5 developers


Wochenbericht 2021.07

  1. Microsoft says it found 1,000-plus developers’ fingerprints on the SolarWinds attack (Vielleicht ist das auch einfach nur Stackoverflow)
  2. Dev creeped out after he fired up Ubuntu VM on Azure, was immediately approached by Canonical sales rep
  3. What’s new in Javascript 21 – ES12 — With explanations
  4. Citibank just got a $500 million lesson in the importance of UI design
  5. The Cleanest Trick for Autogrowing Textareas (mostly CSS and one JS statement :OOOOOO)

Was zum Lachen: Adoption