
Wochenbericht 2020.30

  1. Avoiding CORS errors on localhost
  2. Why you shouldn’t write your content in Uppercase, instead use CSS.
  3. Microsoft Launches Build JavaScript applications with Node.js Learning Tutorials
  4. Benefits of SVG: Smaller File Sizes, Scalability, Stylizing, Performance and More Than an Image
  5. Understanding CSS Multiple Backgrounds

Was zum Lachen: Side Project Showcase


Wochenbericht 2020.27

  1. Reno 1.0.0 released! A lightweight router for Deno’s standard HTTP server
  2. PSA: CORS allow origin * considered harmful in development. – Simple Thread
  3. Mozilla bringt ein Notfall-Update für Firefox – Version 78.0.1
  4. Vue 3 Beta 18 Released, Targeting July RC
  5. Adding Insight support for the new FrameworkBundle recipe

Was zum Lachen: Seems legit


Wochenbericht 2020.19

  1. Will it CORS? – an automatic CORS explainer
  2. microsoft/playwright: “an automation library that can test web apps across multiple browsers like Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, and Mozilla Firefox.”
  3. Visual Studio Code April 2020
  4. MIDI.js – Sequencing in Javascript
  5. Brad Traversy released a list of Design Resources For Developers

Was zum Lachen: Never lose hope