
Wochenbericht 2022.14

  1. GitHub can now auto-block commits containing API keys, auth tokens
  2. Those HTML Attributes You Never Use
  3. Reliably Send an HTTP Request as a User Leaves a Page | CSS-Tricks
  4. Announcing Rome Formatter
  5. Modified AGPLv3 removes freedoms, adds legal headaches

Wochenbericht 2021.35

  1. Web Scraping with Javascript and Node.js – ZenRows
  2. Visual Studio Code August 2021
  3. GitHub Copilot Generated Insecure Code In 40% Of Circumstances During Experiment
  4. Breaking the software licensing of early-2000s abandonware: reverse engineering for software preservation
  5. Twitch now has a Software and Game Development Category
  6. When you finish celebrating Linux turning 30, try new Linux 5.14, says Linus Torvalds

Was zum Lachen: Paas


Wochenbericht 2021.32

  1. Apple’s Plan to “Think Different” About Encryption Opens a Backdoor to Your Private Life
  2. GitHub’s Engineering Team has moved to Codespaces
  3. For programmers, remote working is becoming the norm (Economist article)
  4. There Is No Benefit or Incentive for Developers to Create Quality Code on Software Projects
  5. The State Of Mobile First and Desktop First

Was zum Lachen: Astronauts use Linux…


Wochenbericht 2021.27

  1. GitHub Support just straight up confirmed in an email that yes, they used all public GitHub code, for Codex/Copilot regardless of license
  2. GitHubs KI-Copilot: Der Output einer Maschine ist urheberrechtlich nicht schutzfähig – er ist gemeinfrei.
  3. Appwrite – A Self Hosted Open Source Firebase Alternative
  4. JavaScript is weird. (QUIZ)
  5. Forschungsbericht: Schockierendes Ausmaß von biometrischer Überwachung in Europa
  6. Visual Studio Code June 2021
  7. Innenministerium will Abhängigkeit von Microsoft reduzieren
  8. How to Structure a Large Scale Vue.js Application
  9. Composition API code sharing FTW

Was zum Lachen: Adventure


Wochenbericht 2021.17

  1. Pattern Monster – SVG Pattern Generator
  2. Crypto miners are killing free CI
  3. A collection of front-end debugging script snippets to be used in the Sources panel in Chrome DevTools.
  4. GitHub blocks FLoC on all of GitHub Pages
  5. Microsoft joins Bytecode Alliance to advance WebAssembly – aka the thing that lets you run compiled C/C++/Rust code in browsers

Was zum Lachen: Confidence