
Wochenbericht 2022.05

  1. Vue.js Nation 2022 Conference in Review
  2. Visual Studio Code January 2022
  3. EDSB sanktioniert Parlament wegen EU-US-Datenübermittlung an Google und Stripe
  4. Google Fonts sind nicht mehr datenschutzkonform. Was nun?
  5. Alphacode: Deepmind-KI entwickelt so gut wie Durchschnittsprogrammierer – Golem.de
  6. Node.js will include support for `fetch` in their next release

Was zum Lachen: Testing – Hammering Nails (Animated) FOV


Wochenbericht 2021.20

1Nachdem letzte Woche der Post brückentagsbedingt ausgefallen ist, hier nun eine neue Woche, neues Glück.

  1. Introducing WebContainers: Run Node.js natively in your browser
  2. New in Symfony 5.3: Service Autowiring with Attributes
  3. Symfony – project tamed
  4. 🔥What you may not know about symfony components
  5. I finally released Codewell! A website where beginner developers can download high quality design templates to improve their HTML and CSS skills!

Was zum Lachen: New Library


Wochenbericht 2020.27

  1. Reno 1.0.0 released! A lightweight router for Deno’s standard HTTP server
  2. PSA: CORS allow origin * considered harmful in development. – Simple Thread
  3. Mozilla bringt ein Notfall-Update für Firefox – Version 78.0.1
  4. Vue 3 Beta 18 Released, Targeting July RC
  5. Adding Insight support for the new FrameworkBundle recipe

Was zum Lachen: Seems legit


Wochenbericht 2020.24

  1. Is putting JWTs in local storage “bad”?
  2. Overiew of the latest Node features from versions 12 through 14
  3. PNGHUT – millions of handpicked free, transparent PNG images
  4. CSS Grid example of a responsive newspaper layout
  5. Senkung des Mehrwertsteuersatzes im Rahmen des Konjunkturpakets – Die Umsetzung in Pimcore

Was zum Lachen: Pair Programming


Wochenbericht 2020.14

  1. Theia 1.0 – Finally a Good Browser IDE
  2. Secret Google UX playbooks
  3. Programming Design Systems
  4. PSA: Stack Overflow dark mode beta is finally here!
  5. Deno 1.0 will be released on May 13

Was zum Lachen: Don’t even need to pretend any more