Schlagwort: Visual Studio Code
Wochenbericht 2021.42
Wochenbericht 2021.35
- Web Scraping with Javascript and Node.js – ZenRows
- Visual Studio Code August 2021
- GitHub Copilot Generated Insecure Code In 40% Of Circumstances During Experiment
- Breaking the software licensing of early-2000s abandonware: reverse engineering for software preservation
- Twitch now has a Software and Game Development Category
- When you finish celebrating Linux turning 30, try new Linux 5.14, says Linus Torvalds
Was zum Lachen: Paas
Wochenbericht 2021.27
- GitHub Support just straight up confirmed in an email that yes, they used all public GitHub code, for Codex/Copilot regardless of license
- GitHubs KI-Copilot: Der Output einer Maschine ist urheberrechtlich nicht schutzfähig – er ist gemeinfrei.
- Appwrite – A Self Hosted Open Source Firebase Alternative
- JavaScript is weird. (QUIZ)
- Forschungsbericht: Schockierendes Ausmaß von biometrischer Überwachung in Europa
- Visual Studio Code June 2021
- Innenministerium will Abhängigkeit von Microsoft reduzieren
- How to Structure a Large Scale Vue.js Application
- Composition API code sharing FTW
Was zum Lachen: Adventure
Wochenbericht 2020.37
- Tailwind Studio empowers you to build professional, custom designs, in a completely visual canvas
- Visual Studio Code August 2020
- Kongress des CCC findet online und in kleinen lokalen Veranstaltungen statt
- Annoying website features I face as a blind person
- Knowing What To Test – Vue Component Unit Testing
Was zum lachen: Adjustment