
Wochenbericht 2022.01

Der erste Wochenbericht des Jahres! Willkommen in 2022

  1. Google fined 150M€, Facebook 60M€ for asymmetric cookie dialogs
  2. Vanta.js – Animated website backgrounds in a few lines of code
  3. We Have A Browser Monopoly Again and Firefox is The Only Alternative Out There
  4. In 2022, YYMMDDhhmm formatted times exceed signed int range, breaking Microsoft services
  5. Unix in the Browser Tab
  6. Container Queries
  7. Fachkräftemangel oder Boomer Vorstand? DHL zunehmens von IT Problemen geplagt.
  8. Create Glassmorphism Card With Tilt Effect On Hover | Vanilla Tilt.js | Speed Code
  9. Norton 360 Now Comes With a Cryptominer
  10. Quick start | Motion One