
Wochenbericht 2021.06

  1. The web didn’t change; you did
  2. Building the Netflix UI clone with Vue 3 composition API and Tailwindcss
  3. Lazy Load Routes in Vue with webpack Dynamic Comments
  4. Husky, a popular JavaScript project with 4M weekly downloads, drops MIT license
  5. How to use TypeScript to Create Vue Apps with Vue Class Components

Was zum Lachen: Negligible Error


Wochenbericht 2021.03

  1. Five things every developer should know about software architecture with Simon Brown
  2. What’s New In DevTools (Chrome 89)
  3. Tailwind isn’t for me
  4. New White House website scores 95 in performance on Lighthouse, uses WordPress and JQuery
  5. 100+ Free Programming Books (all languages covered, all ebooks are open-sourced)
  6. I struggled for a long time to understand module bundlers. I wished I saw this video !!!

Was zum Lachen: Pending Approval


Wochenbericht 2020.49

  1. StateOfCSS results are published
  2. JWT Authentication Best Practices
  3. How The Heck Does Vite Work – A comparison to Webpack
  4. How to Make Your Code Reviewer Fall in Love with You
  5. Always leave the code better than you found it
  6. SQLite as a document database

Was zum Lachen: The best for 2030


Wochenbericht 2020.42

  1. The NuxtJS team have just released a new site: Nuxt Modules
  2. JavaScript escape room game: [code]capi Code Out!
  3. 42 (Antwort) – Wikipedia
  4. Webpack 5 release
  5. No, Microsoft is not rebasing Windows to Linux
  6. Vue 3.0.1 Released – filled with Bugfixes 🐛

Was zum Lachen: Teamwork


Wochenbericht 2018.12

Lieber verspätet, als nochmal ausfallen lassen. Bei mir sind gerade stressige Zeiten, da gehen manche Dinge einfach unter. Letzte Woche durch Krankheit, diese Woche durch “zu-viel-zu-tun”.

  1. Resposive Components, a solution to the container queries problem
  2. I’m a a simple webpack 4 starter project for your basic web development needs.
  3. An intuitive visualization of hash tables
  4. How to Add a CSS and JavaScript Sticky Menu, PLUS 7 Beautiful Examples
  5. D3.js 5.0 is out

Was zum Lachen: The new IE6