
Wochenbericht 2020.50

  1. Github dark mode is here
  2. Deno 1.6 supports compiling TypeScript to a single executable
  3. Vue Router 4 is officially stable!
  4. The CentOS Project Just Committed Suicide
  5. From Callback Hell to Callback Heaven
  6. Native Aspect Ratio Boxes in CSS thanks to aspect-ratio
  7. Monolith vs. Micro Frontend

Was zum Lachen: Circle of AI Life


Wochenbericht 2020.49

  1. StateOfCSS results are published
  2. JWT Authentication Best Practices
  3. How The Heck Does Vite Work – A comparison to Webpack
  4. How to Make Your Code Reviewer Fall in Love with You
  5. Always leave the code better than you found it
  6. SQLite as a document database

Was zum Lachen: The best for 2030


Wochenbericht 2020.48

  1. factbook.json 2020 Update – 260+ Public Domain (Free) World Country Profiles / Datasets (incl. Population, Internet Users, etc.)
  2. Tailwind CSS v2.0 is here!
  3. Modern PHP Cheat Sheet
  4. PHP 8.0.0 Released
  5. Dark Mode Coming to GitHub After 7 Years

Was zum Lachen: Feature Complete


Wochenbericht 2020.46

  1. Bootstrap 5 Alpha 3 – third alpha release has landed with tons of updates to our components, utilities, docs, forms, JavaScript, and more. This is a larger alpha release for us and sets us up for our first beta where we’ll introduce some final breaking changes and features
  2. Vite and VitePress by Evan You
  3. “Why is my JavaScript slow?” It’s not the framework, it’s probably your code.
  4. [faker.js] No more free work from Marak – Pay Me or Fork This
  5. Conditionally call a function with optional chaining

Was zum Lachen: Effort Splitting


Wochenbericht 2020.45

  1. Super Tiny Icons
  2. Malicious npm package opens backdoors on programmers’ computers (again)
  3. Phosphor Icons
  4. No, Microsoft is not rebasing Windows to Linux
  5. Creating Web Applications with D3 Observable

Was zum Lachen gibts diese Woche nicht, nur zum Kopfschütteln.