
Wochenbericht 2020.04

  1. Inter font family
  2. New year, new browser – The new Microsoft Edge is out of preview and now available for download
  3. How I Stopped a Credit Card Thief From Ripping Off 3,537 People – and Saved Our Nonprofit in the Process
  4. Dieses Spiel schickt euch über die Kommandozeile auf Verbrecherjagd
  5. Vue 3 — The New Store
  6. Webdesign: So steht es um Progressive-Web-Apps im Jahr 2020

Was zum Lachen: User Story


Wochenbericht 2020.03

  1. Statamic at SPIEGEL Scale (Part 1) – Statamic Blog
  2. JetBrains Mono: A typeface for developers
  3. Minimal fake JSON test data generator.
  4. WebComponents are supported natively in every major browser
  5. The ‘No Code’ Delusion
  6. Brilliant reply

Was zum Lachen: Other people’s code


Wochenbericht 2020.02

  1. Formatting quality. Using ESlint to go beyond the trivial.
  2. Handling Cross-Domain Iframes with Javascript
  3. Web Share API for Native Sharing on Websites.
  4. Fixed Table Headers
  5. Integrate PWAs into native sharing UIs with Workbox
  6. GitLab gibt Monitoring-Tools als Open Source frei

Was zum Lachen: Unintentional framework


Wochenbericht 2019.51

  1. Karriere ohne Führungsrolle: Diese Alternative gibt es
  2. 6 Monate im Voraus oder: So klappt es mit dem Change-Prozess
  3. The Slow Death of Internet Explorer and the Future of Progressive Enhancement
  4. 20 Nuxt Modules (with Tips) to Increase Your Productivity and Build Web Apps Faster
  5. Digitalpakt Schule: Neuer Streit über Abhängigkeit von Microsoft

Was zum Lachen: Not much of a surprise


Wochenbericht 2019.50

  1. 8 Console API Functions Other than Console.log()
  2. Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator
  3. Five years later, Heartbleed vulnerability still unpatched
  4. Visual Studio Code November 2019
  5. 1-minute movie: A New Agile Simulation Game
  6. Web Performance Calendar » Reading a WebPageTest Waterfall Chart

Was zum Lachen: Everybody loves you