
Wochenbericht 2020.09

  1. How to de-Google-ify your website
  2. css.gg – 500 CSS icons
  3. How to generate Changelog using Conventional Commits
  4. Vue v3.0.0-alpha.7 released
  5. Email API in TYPO3 10

Was zum Lachen: Planned vs Budgeted


Wochenbericht 2020.08

  1. Fixing memory leaks in web applications
  2. JWT (JSON Web Token) is Awesome: Here’s Why
  3. React vs Vue – Developer experience
  4. Announcing TypeScript 3.8
  5. Organize and decouple your API calls in Nuxt.js

Was zum Lachen: Presale


Wochenbericht 2020.07

  1. The specification for native image lazy-loading has been merged into the HTML standard!
  2. Vue3 – Ref vs. Reactive
  3. Implementing the Builder Pattern in Vue.js
  4. 3 Minimally-Invasive Supercharged JS DEBUG Tools You Didn’t Know You Had
  5. How to redesign, step by step guide

Was zum Lachen: Coding maturity

Im übrigen gilt heute: KW (nach ISO) multipliert mit dem aktuellen Monat ergibt den heutigen Tag des Monats.


Wochenbericht 2020.06

  1. Tailwind CSS v1.2 is here
  2. Baretest — A minimalistic alternative to Jest
  3. Tutorial to build a responsive dashboard with Vue, SVG and Three.js
  4. Wacom drawing tablets track the name of every application that you open
  5. Announcing TypeScript 3.8 RC
  6. Visual Studio Code January 2020

Was zum Lachen: A very good day


Wochenbericht 2020.05

  1. Self-Host Your Static Assets
  2. Should you self-host Google Fonts?
  3. Geleakte Dokumente zeigen, dass Avast Antivirus die Browser-Daten seiner Nutzer verkauft
  4. JavaScript libraries are almost never updated once installed
  5. How to code a responsive circular percentage chart with SVG and CSS

Was zum Lachen: Open Space