
Wochenbericht 2019.49

  1. The Firefox UI is now built with Web Components
  2. vscodium – binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing
  3. The Thought Process Behind a Flexbox Layout
  4. 🤖 NanoNeuron – 7 simple JavaScript functions that will give you a feeling of how machines can actually “learn”
  5. JavaScript Christmas is back – a new article every day until Christmas

Was zum Lachen: Everyone tests their code…


Wochenbericht 2019.48

  1. How to Boost Vue.js Performance 🚀🚀
  2. Bootstrap 4.4 has been released! 🎉
  3. Introducing Bootstrap Icons
  4. uBlock Origin schützt vor versteckten Trackern
  5. We have now run out of IPv4 addresses
  6. How to setup Tailwind CSS with Parcel Bundler

Was zum Lachen: I Am Inevitable


Wochenbericht 2019.47

  1. A Practical Guide to State Machines
  2. Symfony 5.0.0 released (Symfony Blog)
  3. Postwoman • API request builder
  4. Vue-DevTools: Updates für mehr Übersicht und Performance
  5. Open source illustrations kit – illlustrations.co

Was zum Lachen: New World


Wochenbericht 2019.46

  1. Announcing Ghost 3.0
  2. Design nach Daten – seid ihr noch kreativ?
  3. Smoother & sharper shadows with layered box-shadows
  4. Web Components: So verwendest du Code plattformübergreifend wieder
  5. Zufriedener und produktiver: Microsoft testet Vier-Tage-Woche in Japan

Was zum Lachen: AI Training Datasets


Wochenbericht 2019.45

  1. Wo ein Trog ist, kommen Schweine: Your DNA Profile is Private? A Florida Judge Just Said Otherwise
  2. ganlanyuan/tiny-slider: Vanilla javascript slider for all purposes.
  3. Visual Studio Code October 2019
  4. Announcing Visual Studio Online Public Preview | Visual Studio Blog
  5. Computerkompetenz: Ein Drittel der Schüler ist abgehängt
  6. How CSS Grid changes the way we think about structuring our content
  7. Web Design in 4 Minutes

Was zum Lachen: Burnout