
Wochenbericht 2020.42

  1. The NuxtJS team have just released a new site: Nuxt Modules
  2. JavaScript escape room game: [code]capi Code Out!
  3. 42 (Antwort) – Wikipedia
  4. Webpack 5 release
  5. No, Microsoft is not rebasing Windows to Linux
  6. Vue 3.0.1 Released – filled with Bugfixes 🐛

Was zum Lachen: Teamwork


Wochenbericht 2020.41

  1. Full-Bleed Layout Using CSS Grid
  2. Writing Testable Forms
  3. A brief history of styling list items.
  4. Use VS Code online with GitHub Codespaces
  5. How ZDF created a video PWA with offline and dark mode
  6. Visual Studio Code September 2020
  7. Introducing Tailwind Play

Was zum Lachen: The ‘no-code’ dream


Wochenbericht 2020.40

  1. How One Guy Ruined Hacktoberfest 2020
  2. Gitter wird Mitglied der Matrix Community
  3. Windows XP source code leak
  4. A Gentle Introduction to Using a Docker Container as a Dev Environment
  5. Elsa is a minimal, fast and secure runtime for Javascript and Typescript written in Go.

Was zum Lachen: Another day, another daily


Wochenbericht 2020.39

  1. Release v3.0.0 One Piece · vuejs/vue-next · GitHub
  2. Kernighan’s Law – Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
  3. Evan You // Keynote: Live Free Online Announcement // Vuejs Global Online
  4. Secrets to High Engagement on Hamburger Menus
  5. Layoutit is now Open Source! An interactive CSS Grid generator powered by Vue 3

Was zum Lachen: Project Setup


Wochenbericht 2020.38

  1. How CSS Perspective Works
  2. Halfmoon, a Bootstrap alternative with a built-in dark mode. It is also fully customizable using CSS variables, and uses plain vanilla JS (no jQuery)
  3. Moment.js now to be considered a legacy project in maintenance mode
  4. GitHub CLI 1.0
  5. Buttons That Spark Joy
  6. Why senior engineers get nothing done

Was zum Lachen: Red handed