
Wochenbericht 2019.24

  1. 30 seconds of code: Learn JavaScript in 30 seconds, one function at a time
  2. Symfony 4.3.0 released
  3. The state of CSS – 2019
  4. WebSockets vs Long Polling
  5. CSS Wand: Easy copy-paste beautiful CSS animations

Was zum Lachen: In emergency conditions


Wochenbericht 2019.06

  1. “Why do I need a 4Ghz quadcore to run facebook?” This is why. A single word split up into 11 HTML DOM elements to avoid adblockers.
  2. Taylor Otwell kotzt sich über PHPUnit 8 aus.
  3. Eine coole Library in PHP um Bilder zu manipulieren
  4. Firefox 66 to block automatically playing audible video and audio – Mozilla Hacks
  5. Das Januar-Update von VS-Code bringt ein paar sehr coole (und teilweise für IntelliJ-Nutzer vermisste) Features.

Was zum Lachen: Git-LFS


Wochenbericht 2018.48

  1. Meet the newest member of the Symfony family: SymfonyCloud
  2. Using Symfony Security voters to check user permissions with ease
  3. Ein NPM-Paket löst Alarm aus
  4. TypeScript-Definitionen aus JSON extrahieren As A Service
  5. Tired of nosey developers constantly checking if your site is responsive by resizing your browser window over and over again?: Desist

Was zum Lachen: “If it’s not broken


Wochenbericht 2018.46

  1. State Management with Vuex: a Practical Tutorial
  2. Vue 3.0 Updates
  3. Symfony 4.2.0-BETA2 released
  4. Researchers discover seven new Meltdown and Spectre attacks: “Experiments showed that processors from AMD, ARM, and Intel are affected.”
  5. nginxconfig.io – ⚙️ NGiИX config generator generator on steroids 

Was zum Lachen: Das Internet ist für uns in Japan auch Neuland


Wochenbericht 2018.44

  1. “Cruddy by Design” – Adam Wathan
  2. howler.js – JavaScript audio library for the modern web
  3. Create your own dysfunctional single-page app in five easy steps
  4. Stellar Development with Symfony 4

Was zum Lachen: “My Code to compile