
Wochenbericht 2020.50

  1. Github dark mode is here
  2. Deno 1.6 supports compiling TypeScript to a single executable
  3. Vue Router 4 is officially stable!
  4. The CentOS Project Just Committed Suicide
  5. From Callback Hell to Callback Heaven
  6. Native Aspect Ratio Boxes in CSS thanks to aspect-ratio
  7. Monolith vs. Micro Frontend

Was zum Lachen: Circle of AI Life


Wochenbericht 2020.48

  1. factbook.json 2020 Update – 260+ Public Domain (Free) World Country Profiles / Datasets (incl. Population, Internet Users, etc.)
  2. Tailwind CSS v2.0 is here!
  3. Modern PHP Cheat Sheet
  4. PHP 8.0.0 Released
  5. Dark Mode Coming to GitHub After 7 Years

Was zum Lachen: Feature Complete


Wochenbericht 2020.44

  1. Complete Docker Course (~3 Hours, Free)
  2. Falsehoods programmers believe about Time Zones
  3. Complete CSS grid tutorial (with color coded diagrams)
  4. Someone replaced the Github DMCA repo with youtube-dl, literally
  5. The Evolution of Version Control System (VCS) Internals

Was zum Lachen: Get Funded


Wochenbericht 2020.38

  1. How CSS Perspective Works
  2. Halfmoon, a Bootstrap alternative with a built-in dark mode. It is also fully customizable using CSS variables, and uses plain vanilla JS (no jQuery)
  3. Moment.js now to be considered a legacy project in maintenance mode
  4. GitHub CLI 1.0
  5. Buttons That Spark Joy
  6. Why senior engineers get nothing done

Was zum Lachen: Red handed


Wochenbericht 2020.36

  1. Pomodor-no! Here’s the best way for engineers to time-block their work days
  2. GraphQL the Simple Way, or: Don’t Use Apollo
  3. Join 10k+ developers at the largest Vue.js developer conference in the world – Register for FREE!
  4. Vue 3.0 RC 10
  5. Introduction to Story-Driven Development with Nuxt Stories
  6. Iranian Maintainer refuses to merge code from Israeli Developer. Cites Iranian regulations.

Was zum Lachen: New Hire