
Wochenbericht 2020.38

  1. A single person answered 76k questions about SQL on StackOverflow. Averaging 22.8 answers per day, every day, for the past 8.6 years.
  2. Article says that today’s students are unfamiliar with the concept of files and folders, is this your experience?
  3. GIT PURR! Git Commands Explained with Cats!
  4. CSS Snippets – 30 seconds of code
  5. Build an end-to-end E-Commerce App with Vue + Vuex + Nuxt + Appbase.io

Was zum Lachen: Reusable Components


Wochenbericht 2020.35

  1. Intro to Storybook 2020
  2. The Lounge – Modern web IRC client designed for self-hosting
  3. Vue 3 Composition API
  4. Dynamic Pricing Table with TailwindCSS
  5. Gitpod is now Open Source
  6. RC8 🚂 👀

Was zum Lachen: Wish ‘Granted’


Wochenbericht 2020.10

  1. Distorted Link Effects with SVG Filters
  2. Announcing PowerShell 7.0
  3. Grid Tile Layouts with auto-fit and minmax | Geddski
  4. 3 Millionen Zertifikate: Let’s Encrypt kündigt ‘Revocation’ an
  5. Please stop recommending Git Flow!

Was zum Lachen: Excel at the end of the road


Wochenbericht 2019.23

  1. Oh shit, git!
  2. Learn git concepts, not commands
  3. Dämliche Dinge mit Git Repositorys anstellen
  4. The ultimate CSS battle: Grid – Flexbox
  5. CSS Text Fill Effect On Hover | Fill From Hover Direction

Was zum Lachen: …and i commit to master


Wochenbericht 2019.15

  1. Parallax Depth Cards – Ein cooler Showcase für Vue ohne Buildstep
  2. A Smart Programmer Understands The Problems Worth Fixing
  3. Nachgebessert: Pull-Request-Workflows in der Praxis
  4. Creating Bar Charts with HTML
  5. Master of web puppets: abusing web browsers for persistent and stealthy computation

Was zum Lachen: New API version