
Wochenbericht 2020.10

  1. Distorted Link Effects with SVG Filters
  2. Announcing PowerShell 7.0
  3. Grid Tile Layouts with auto-fit and minmax | Geddski
  4. 3 Millionen Zertifikate: Let’s Encrypt kündigt ‘Revocation’ an
  5. Please stop recommending Git Flow!

Was zum Lachen: Excel at the end of the road


Wochenbericht 2018.16

  1. Mozilla hat den Zertifikatsmarkt ordentlich umgekrempelt
  2. 10 new open-source Bootstrap themes
  3. Hallelujah—In Praise of Babel
  4. The Psychology of UX
  5. Event Sourcing | Event Logging – An essential Microservice Pattern

Was zum Lachen: #everytime