
Wochenbericht 2022.08

  1. A Complete Guide to CSS Cascade Layers
  2. 25 Malicious JavaScript Libraries Distributed via Official NPM Package Repository
  3. Missouri Gov’s Office Responsible for Data Leak – “They failed to follow basic security procedures for years failed to protect teachers’ SSNs and failed to take responsibility instead choosing to instigate baseless investigation into two Missourians who did the right thing and reported the problem” – wir erinnern uns: Wochenbericht 2021.41
  4. Linux developers patch security holes faster than anyone else, says Google Project Zero – Linux programmers do a better job of patching security holes than programmers at Apple, Google, and Microsoft.
  5. CSS Quick Tip: Animating in a newly added element

Was zum Lachen gab es diese Woche absolut nicht.


Wochenbericht 2022.07

  1. Police 3D-printed a murder victim’s finger to unlock his phone
  2. Avoid the Apple App Store
  3. jless, a command-line JSON viewer
  4. State of JavaScript 2021 Survey Results
  5. I scraped 4M dev job offers for the last 5 months and here are the top paid languages

Was zum Lachen: Marked


Wochenbericht 2022.06

  1. ToolJet – Extensible open-source low-code framework. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints Airtable, etc and build apps using drag and drop editor. Alternative to PowerApps and Retool.
  2. Yes, I can connect to a DB in CSS
  3. German Court Rules Websites Embedding Google Fonts Violates GDPR
  4. Please make the nonsensical PHP hate stop.
  5. Safari Team Asks for Feedback Amid Accusations That ‘Safari Is the Worst, It’s the New IE’
  6. Use of Google Analytics declared illegal by French data protection authority

Was zum Lachen: Anticipate


Wochenbericht 2022.05

  1. Vue.js Nation 2022 Conference in Review
  2. Visual Studio Code January 2022
  3. EDSB sanktioniert Parlament wegen EU-US-Datenübermittlung an Google und Stripe
  4. Google Fonts sind nicht mehr datenschutzkonform. Was nun?
  5. Alphacode: Deepmind-KI entwickelt so gut wie Durchschnittsprogrammierer – Golem.de
  6. Node.js will include support for `fetch` in their next release

Was zum Lachen: Testing – Hammering Nails (Animated) FOV