
Wochenbericht 2019.28

  1. c’t deckt auf: Tastaturen und Mäuse von Logitech weitreichend angreifbar
  2. Debian 10 Buster veröffentlicht
  3. Die Perversion agiler Metaphern
  4. Befeuern statt hemmen: IT-Sicherheit im Dienst der Innovation
  5. Creating a multi-level hierarchical flyout navigation menu using only HTML and CSS

Was zum Lachen: try { throw baby; }


Wochenbericht 2019.27

  1. Vue Dashboard – Open-Source Apps
  2. Building Workcation with Tailwind CSS
  3. Visual Studio Code June 2019
  4. Access Jira on all OSes(MacOS, Linux, Windows10) using command line
  5. Beautiful, free resources from the world’s kindest creatives for your next presentation.

Was zum Lachen: MVP


Wochenbericht 2019.25

  1. The Anatomy of Accessible Forms: The Problem with Placeholders
  2. Perl Out Loud: Programming with Voice Dictation
  3. Micro Frontends – an example of a micro front end application
  4. Zoff im Vue.js-Universum
  5. jExcel the javascript spreadsheet component

Was zum Lachen: Last Sprint Day


Wochenbericht 2019.24

  1. 30 seconds of code: Learn JavaScript in 30 seconds, one function at a time
  2. Symfony 4.3.0 released
  3. The state of CSS – 2019
  4. WebSockets vs Long Polling
  5. CSS Wand: Easy copy-paste beautiful CSS animations

Was zum Lachen: In emergency conditions


Wochenbericht 2019.23

  1. Oh shit, git!
  2. Learn git concepts, not commands
  3. Dämliche Dinge mit Git Repositorys anstellen
  4. The ultimate CSS battle: Grid – Flexbox
  5. CSS Text Fill Effect On Hover | Fill From Hover Direction

Was zum Lachen: …and i commit to master