Schlagwort: Wochenbericht
Der Wochenbericht dokumentiert die Ereignisse und Beiträge der Woche in Hinblick auf Web-Entwicklung und Netzpolitisches.
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Wochenbericht 2022.22
- Do we have a lack of developers or a false assumption what the job is?
- [OC] Web browsers over the last 28 years
- JavaScript Observables in 5 Minutes
- content-visibility: the new CSS property that boosts your rendering performance – Improve initial load time by skipping the rendering of offscreen content
- Web Audio Modem
Wochenbericht 2022.19
- Hölle zugefroren? Nvidia veröffentlicht Linux-Kernel-Treiber
- EU wants online age verification by 2024 possibly with digital ID
- Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram Die EU macht Ernst mit der Chatkontrolle
- @lrvick bought the expired domain name for the ‘foreach’ NPM package maintainer. He now controls the package which 2.2m packages depend on.
- CSS tips and tricks you won’t see in most tutorials
Wochenbericht 2022.16
Nach Ostern kehrt so langsam wieder Normalität ein…
- URL, URI, URN: What’s the Difference?
- What CTOs Say vs. What Their Developers Hear w/ DataStax’s Shankar Ramaswamy
- Web scraping is legal, US appeals court reaffirms
- CSS tip – the :is() pseudo-class can help keep your code clean, and has surprisingly good browser support
- A blind woman’s message to web developers about internet inaccessibility. source: shorturl.at/nvRU7
- Tabler Icons: over 1900 vector icons for web design