
Wochenbericht 2020.07

  1. The specification for native image lazy-loading has been merged into the HTML standard!
  2. Vue3 – Ref vs. Reactive
  3. Implementing the Builder Pattern in Vue.js
  4. 3 Minimally-Invasive Supercharged JS DEBUG Tools You Didn’t Know You Had
  5. How to redesign, step by step guide

Was zum Lachen: Coding maturity

Im übrigen gilt heute: KW (nach ISO) multipliert mit dem aktuellen Monat ergibt den heutigen Tag des Monats.


Wochenbericht 2020.05

  1. Self-Host Your Static Assets
  2. Should you self-host Google Fonts?
  3. Geleakte Dokumente zeigen, dass Avast Antivirus die Browser-Daten seiner Nutzer verkauft
  4. JavaScript libraries are almost never updated once installed
  5. How to code a responsive circular percentage chart with SVG and CSS

Was zum Lachen: Open Space


Wochenbericht 2020.02

  1. Formatting quality. Using ESlint to go beyond the trivial.
  2. Handling Cross-Domain Iframes with Javascript
  3. Web Share API for Native Sharing on Websites.
  4. Fixed Table Headers
  5. Integrate PWAs into native sharing UIs with Workbox
  6. GitLab gibt Monitoring-Tools als Open Source frei

Was zum Lachen: Unintentional framework


Wochenbericht 2019.50

  1. 8 Console API Functions Other than Console.log()
  2. Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator
  3. Five years later, Heartbleed vulnerability still unpatched
  4. Visual Studio Code November 2019
  5. 1-minute movie: A New Agile Simulation Game
  6. Web Performance Calendar » Reading a WebPageTest Waterfall Chart

Was zum Lachen: Everybody loves you


Wochenbericht 2019.48

  1. How to Boost Vue.js Performance 🚀🚀
  2. Bootstrap 4.4 has been released! 🎉
  3. Introducing Bootstrap Icons
  4. uBlock Origin schützt vor versteckten Trackern
  5. We have now run out of IPv4 addresses
  6. How to setup Tailwind CSS with Parcel Bundler

Was zum Lachen: I Am Inevitable