
Wochenbericht 2019.44

  1. Vue 3: Start Using it Today
  2. 🚀 Integrate GraphQL in your Vue.js apps!
  3. Nuxt Auth – Authentication and Authorization in NuxtJS
  4. 10 Good Practices for Building and Maintaining Large Vue.js Projects
  5. Automate all the things: Node-RED, n8n

Was zum Lachen: Discount


Wochenbericht 2019.42

  1. Portainer zur Verwaltung von Docker auf der Synology DiskStation (Docker-Compose ist auch auf CLI-Ebene verfügbar, aber Portainer macht das ganze gleich viel netter!)
  2. SVG Will Save Us, Sarah Drasner @ #PerfMatters Conference 2019
  3. Practical applications of Rest and Spread operator in JavaScript
  4. CSS Subgrid News and demos
  5. Nuxt 2.10.x ist veröffentlicht

Was zum Lachen: Edge Cases


Wochenbericht 2019.41

  1. Interview with a pornhub developer
  2. A Guide To New And Experimental CSS DevTools In Firefox
  3. Vue 3 – A roundup of infos about the new version of Vue.js
  4. Command Line Heroes: Creating Javascript
  5. Designing a focus style

Was zum Lachen: If Sci-Fi Movies Were Realistic


Wochenbericht 2019.33

  1. Let’s look at 15 interesting web developer portfolios and see what they can teach us
  2. How the browser renders a web page? — DOM, CSSOM and Rendering
  3. CSS Can Do This… And It’s Terrifying!
  4. Ich warte ganz gespannt auf NuxtPress
  5. User experience vs. business goals: finding the balance

Was zum Lachen: Brittle


Wochenbericht 2019.25

  1. The Anatomy of Accessible Forms: The Problem with Placeholders
  2. Perl Out Loud: Programming with Voice Dictation
  3. Micro Frontends – an example of a micro front end application
  4. Zoff im Vue.js-Universum
  5. jExcel the javascript spreadsheet component

Was zum Lachen: Last Sprint Day