
Wochenbericht 2020.48

  1. factbook.json 2020 Update – 260+ Public Domain (Free) World Country Profiles / Datasets (incl. Population, Internet Users, etc.)
  2. Tailwind CSS v2.0 is here!
  3. Modern PHP Cheat Sheet
  4. PHP 8.0.0 Released
  5. Dark Mode Coming to GitHub After 7 Years

Was zum Lachen: Feature Complete


Wochenbericht 2020.41

  1. Full-Bleed Layout Using CSS Grid
  2. Writing Testable Forms
  3. A brief history of styling list items.
  4. Use VS Code online with GitHub Codespaces
  5. How ZDF created a video PWA with offline and dark mode
  6. Visual Studio Code September 2020
  7. Introducing Tailwind Play

Was zum Lachen: The ‘no-code’ dream


Wochenbericht 2020.37

  1. Tailwind Studio empowers you to build professional, custom designs, in a completely visual canvas
  2. Visual Studio Code August 2020
  3. Kongress des CCC findet online und in kleinen lokalen Veranstaltungen statt
  4. Annoying website features I face as a blind person
  5. Knowing What To Test – Vue Component Unit Testing

Was zum lachen: Adjustment


Wochenbericht 2020.35

  1. Intro to Storybook 2020
  2. The Lounge – Modern web IRC client designed for self-hosting
  3. Vue 3 Composition API
  4. Dynamic Pricing Table with TailwindCSS
  5. Gitpod is now Open Source
  6. RC8 🚂 👀

Was zum Lachen: Wish ‘Granted’


Wochenbericht 2020.34

  1. theheadless.dev – a free & open source knowledge base for Puppeteer and Playwright
  2. VueJS RC6 Released!
  3. VueJs Chrome Extension
  4. Tailwind CSS v1.7.0 – Tailwind CSS
  5. Announcing TypeScript 4.0

Was zum Lachen: Code Freeze