
Wochenbericht 2020.30

  1. Avoiding CORS errors on localhost
  2. Why you shouldn’t write your content in Uppercase, instead use CSS.
  3. Microsoft Launches Build JavaScript applications with Node.js Learning Tutorials
  4. Benefits of SVG: Smaller File Sizes, Scalability, Stylizing, Performance and More Than an Image
  5. Understanding CSS Multiple Backgrounds

Was zum Lachen: Side Project Showcase


Wochenbericht 2020.24

  1. Is putting JWTs in local storage “bad”?
  2. Overiew of the latest Node features from versions 12 through 14
  3. PNGHUT – millions of handpicked free, transparent PNG images
  4. CSS Grid example of a responsive newspaper layout
  5. Senkung des Mehrwertsteuersatzes im Rahmen des Konjunkturpakets – Die Umsetzung in Pimcore

Was zum Lachen: Pair Programming


Wochenbericht 2020.23

  1. PHP: Symfony 5.1 kann mit Typed Properties umgehen
  2. Tailblocks: Fertige Bausteine für das CSS-Framework Tailwind
  3. Untools ist eine Werkzeugsammlung für kreatives und strukturiertes Denken
  4. How JWT works — in depth
  5. Digitale Souveränität: Hamburg will weg von Microsoft-Produkten
  6. Grid.js – Advanced Table Plugin
  7. Vue 3 Playground packed with all the new features

Was zum Lachen: COVID Go


Wochenbericht 2020.21

  1. Tailwind Builder 💻
  2. Reactivity in Vue 2, 3, and the Composition API
  3. Painterro – OpenSource Paint plugin
  4. min(), max(), and clamp() are CSS magic!
  5. Microsoft announces the Windows Package Manager Preview

Was zum Lachen: Code Superheroes


Wochenbericht 2020.20

  1. Deno 1.0 released!
  2. Bootstrap v4.5.0 has landed with dozens of bug fixes, some small new features
  3. Chromium lands Flexbox gap
  4. What happens when you call console.log…
  5. From August, Chrome will start blocking ads that consume 4MB of network data, 15 seconds of CPU usage in any 30 second period, or 60 seconds of total CPU usage

Was zum Lachen: 5 stages of working from home