
Wochenbericht 2021.14

  1. Scraping the web with Playwright
  2. Die Luca-App: Dilettantisch und sinnlos
  3. IntelliJ IDEA – 2021.1 is released
  4. Ruby off the Rails: Code library yanked over license blunder, sparks chaos for half a million projects
  5. Container Queries are actually coming
  6. Migrating DevTools to TypeScript – Chrome Developers

Was zum Lachen: Days


Wochenbericht 2021.09

  1. Gradient Generator: Create Beautiful, Smooth Gradients
  2. Google Fonts now supports open source icons, starting with the Material Design icon set
  4. jQuery 3.6.0 Released – “We still have our eyes on a jQuery 4.0 release”
  5. I made a guide to get 100% lighthouse score for you guys. Enjoy!
  6. ISO 8601: the better date format
  7. A Vim Guide for Advanced Users

Was zum Lachen: Call the police


Wochenbericht 2021.04

  1. How I replaced google analytics on my website
  2. “there is currently no plan for PWA support in Firefox.” – Mozilla gives up on PWAs in Firefox 85
  3. Write a simple global state management for Vue 3
  4. Firefox 85 Cracks Down on Supercookies
  5. Google, Microsoft pitch in some spare change to keep Mozilla’s Web Docs online bible alive
  6. WebRTC is now a W3C and IETF standard

Was zum Lachen: I’m more mad now than when it was at 49%


Wochenbericht 2021.03

  1. Five things every developer should know about software architecture with Simon Brown
  2. What’s New In DevTools (Chrome 89)
  3. Tailwind isn’t for me
  4. New White House website scores 95 in performance on Lighthouse, uses WordPress and JQuery
  5. 100+ Free Programming Books (all languages covered, all ebooks are open-sourced)
  6. I struggled for a long time to understand module bundlers. I wished I saw this video !!!

Was zum Lachen: Pending Approval


Wochenbericht 2019.39

  1. Bundesverwaltungsgericht: Die Vorratsdatenspeicherung bleibt weiter ausgesetzt
  2. Google zeigt nur noch Überschriften von Medien an
  3. Amazon’s Beautifully Designed And Failed Three vs. Two Column Layout Experiment
  4. CSS Grid: illustrated introduction
  5. Programming Idioms – don’t reinvent the wheel

Was zum Lachen: What’s going on with all these divs?