
Wochenbericht 2022.16

Nach Ostern kehrt so langsam wieder Normalität ein…

  1. URL, URI, URN: What’s the Difference?
  2. What CTOs Say vs. What Their Developers Hear w/ DataStax’s Shankar Ramaswamy
  3. Web scraping is legal, US appeals court reaffirms
  4. CSS tip – the :is() pseudo-class can help keep your code clean, and has surprisingly good browser support
  5. A blind woman’s message to web developers about internet inaccessibility. source: shorturl.at/nvRU7
  6. Tabler Icons: over 1900 vector icons for web design

Wochenbericht 2022.14

  1. GitHub can now auto-block commits containing API keys, auth tokens
  2. Those HTML Attributes You Never Use
  3. Reliably Send an HTTP Request as a User Leaves a Page | CSS-Tricks
  4. Announcing Rome Formatter
  5. Modified AGPLv3 removes freedoms, adds legal headaches

Wochenbericht 2022.12

  1. Over 200 Malicious NPM Packages Caught Targeting Azure Developers
  2. React 18 released!
  3. Chrome vulnerability reported for 3.2 billion users
  4. Visual Studio Code March 2022
  5. The cost of return await – How return await can slow down your code.
  6. Vite ⚡ 2.9 out, faster cold start and many other improvements!