
Wochenbericht 2020.51

  1. Vite + Vue 3.x + Tailwind 2.x (starter)
  2. Learning to program a computer is similar to learning a new language. However, MIT neuroscientists found that reading computer code does not activate language processing brain regions. Instead, it activates a network for complex cognitive tasks such as solving math problems or crossword puzzles.
  3. Build a BLOG Using NUXT JS & The CONTENT module ~ Vue JS Tutorial
  4. Two Programmers and Mathematician Crack Zodiac Killer’s cipher 50 yrs later
  5. Why you should Self-Host Google Fonts in 2021

Was zum Lachen: A powerful and dangerous tool


Wochenbericht 2020.50

  1. Github dark mode is here
  2. Deno 1.6 supports compiling TypeScript to a single executable
  3. Vue Router 4 is officially stable!
  4. The CentOS Project Just Committed Suicide
  5. From Callback Hell to Callback Heaven
  6. Native Aspect Ratio Boxes in CSS thanks to aspect-ratio
  7. Monolith vs. Micro Frontend

Was zum Lachen: Circle of AI Life


Wochenbericht 2020.49

  1. StateOfCSS results are published
  2. JWT Authentication Best Practices
  3. How The Heck Does Vite Work – A comparison to Webpack
  4. How to Make Your Code Reviewer Fall in Love with You
  5. Always leave the code better than you found it
  6. SQLite as a document database

Was zum Lachen: The best for 2030